October 5, 2020

COVID-19 Impact Report: A Resilient Israeli-Palestinian Peacebuilding Sector

When the COVID-19 arrived in Israel and Palestine in March 2020, the social and economic effects were immediately devastating. But efforts to stop the spread of the virus have also had a significant impact on the region’s civil society and their work towards peace. Over the last few months, our team has spent time with a number of ALLMEP member organizations, discussing the challenges and innovations that the COVID-19 pandemic has created. We are pleased to present to you the outcome of those conversations, ALLMEP’s policy report: A Resilient Israeli-Palestinian Peacebuilding Sector in the Face of the Coronavirus Pandemic. The report highlights the impact of the pandemic has had on the peacebuilding field, as well as key lessons learned:
  • ALLMEP member organizations have found that the pandemic has only underscored the importance of their work and pushed them to innovate and expand. 
  • COVID-19 has coincided with a 25% drop in Foreign assistance to the Palestinians, one of the primary sources for civil society support. 
  • The topics of online dialogue have shifted from identity and conflict to mental health and other personal experiences that affect both Israelis and Palestinians under lockdown.
  • With 30% of peacebuilding organizations focused on youth, civil society has stepped in to fill some of the capacity lost via school closures. 
This report is also a preview of ALLMEP’s new logo and look, which we look forward to revealing along with the launch of our upcoming new website. We hope this updated identity and online presence will add strength and momentum to our community’s tireless work. Click to launch the COVID-19 Impact Report Click here to read about ALLMEP’s COVID-19 response
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