Global Advocacy

ALLMEP’s global advocacy efforts maintain and grow government resources for the Israeli-Palestinian people-to-people sector, and place their work at the top of the agenda for policymakers and opinion-formers around the world. To date, ALLMEP has raised more than $300m globally and continues to advocate for additional funding from around the world. Our theory of change model is based on the International Fund for Ireland, drawing on key lessons learned and aspiring to sustain lasting peace and justice for Palestinians and Israelis for years to come.

U.S. Advocacy

To date, Congress has appropriated $300 million for reconciliation programs since the beginning of ALLMEP’s advocacy campaigning in 2008, $100 million dedicated to peacebuilding. In 2020, the U.S. officially enacted the Nita M. Lowey Middle East Partnership for Peace Act into law, which provides $250 million over five years to peace and reconciliation programs in the region, the largest investment in this sector ever.
European & Global Advocacy

ALLMEP was instrumental in securing a £3 million budget from the United Kingdom and another $3 million from the government of Canada for people-to-people programming, and works with dozens of governments around the world to advise and encourage greater investment in these programs. Our team regularly briefs governments, diplomats, and international institutions ensuring that the work of our members is widely understood, and supported at the scale necessary for its inherent potential to be unlocked.

Regional Advocacy

ALLMEP’s regional advocacy efforts include informing diplomats, advocating for policy change of local governments, permits, fostering meetings between members and diplomats and visiting policymakers, disseminating advocacy points with an authentic local voice. In 2022, ALLMEP successfully worked with officials to double the amount of daily permits issued from 2500 to 5000.
An International Fund for Israeli-Palestinian Peace

There are 13.5 million Israelis and Palestinians living in the region, yet the international community is spending less than $4 per person, per year, towards peace in the region. By comparison, to achieve a sustainable peace in Northern Ireland, the international community spent over a billion dollars over two decades. This averaged spending of $33 per person, per year—starting twelve years before a peace deal was reached—is almost ten times the amount invested in similar efforts between Israelis and Palestinians. This investment occurred through a multilateral funding mechanism called the International Fund for Ireland, created by the U.S. Congress and funded by public and private entities across the world.
Legislation for an International Fund for Israeli-Palestinian Peace is making its way through the United States Congress, with MEPPA promising $250 million over five years towards such a priority. With the government of the United Kingdom having officially announced its support for the concept, and various other governments registering interest: ALLMEP’s advocacy for this game-changing project is at its most advanced stage to-date. All the while, ALLMEP continues to defend and grow existing funding for people-to-people peacebuilding projects from governments right around the world.

G7 Advocacy

One of ALLMEP’s primary objectives is to strengthen multilateral coordination and elevate the role of civil society peacebuilding in Israel and Palestine. Too often overlooked, these initiatives are essential to achieving any sustainable resolution. At the heart of this effort is our flagship goal: the establishment of an International Fund for Israeli-Palestinian Peace.