May 9, 2022

ALLMEP to convene the largest Peacebuilders Conference in its history this month in Jerusalem

As ALLMEP’s Regional Director Huda Abuarquob said in her speech  to the 200,000 people who joined the Joint Memorial on May 4th, hosted by our members Combatants for Peace and the Bereaved Families Forum: now is the time for peacebuilders to “rise up, stand tall, stand strong and together wage our call for action.” That is precisely the message ALLMEP’s entire team will be taking with them to Jerusalem on May 31st, for “Unite the Field,” our 2022 Peacebuilders Conference, and what promises to be the largest regional event in ALLMEP’s history.

Each year, and from modest beginnings, ALLMEP has aimed to convene an annual meeting where its members and all those committed to Israeli/Palestinian peacebuilding can come together to discuss their work. From a few dozen people in its earliest iterations, by 2019 it had grown to become the premiere opportunity each year for the peacebuilding field to come together, share insights, and to forge partnerships that can deepen their impact. ALLMEP’s 2020 conference was canceled soon after the COVID-19 pandemic was declared. Since then, ALLMEP’s membership has expanded to over 150 organizations, without an opportunity for these dozens of new members to meet one another and the wider field. While the passage of the $250m Nita M. Lowey Middle East Partnership for Peace Act (MEPPA) in this period has created an urgent need for the field to come together at scale and strategize about how it can harness this “big bang” moment for peacebuilding.

This year’s event, titled “Unite the Field” will see hundreds of Israeli and Palestinian peacebuilders convene alongside academic experts, diplomats from around the world, and private philanthropists. This urgent and in-depth program will explore the opportunities and challenges facing the field and how we can work together to further and accelerate the ALLMEP community’s goal of delivering peace and equality among and between Palestinians and Israelis.

New this year, the conference will feature two parallel streams throughout the day, allowing attendees to build their own program, with twice as much content to choose from compared to previous years. The topics being covered include:

  • Youth & Intergenerational Responsibility;
  • Tech & Innovation;
  • Women, Peace, & Security;
  • Capacity Building: Scaling the Field;
  • Resource Development: Funding the Field;
  • Policy: Peacebuilding as a Tool for Policy Change;
  • Analysis: Harnessing Middle East Regional Dynamics;
  • Activism: From Co-Existence to Co-Resistance?


With a packed agenda and an urgent need for the field to come together, the ALLMEP team is looking forward to delivering the most significant, focused and scaled discussion that the peacebuilding community has had in many years.

If you would like to register to attend the conference, make a donation toward it, or for more information please email

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